[clug] Pointless time-wasting bash questions

Paul Harvey csirac2 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 23:44:45 MDT 2015

On 26 Jun 2015 15:26, "Bob Edwards" <Robert.Edwards at anu.edu.au> wrote:
> In the example above, the quotes add nothing but noise unless you
> also change the wordlist to include names with spaces etc.

That's true, but I feel there's a bit of irony that you mention code audit
here because the only reason I started quoting everything is so that I
don't have to reason about the scope/content/provenance of variable

I actually learnt this habit from the shellfire project code style, and
http:// <http://shellcheck.net>shellcheck.net complains if you fail to
quote variables.

This is why I came to CLUG, I've only had things like shellcheck,
stackoverflow, and the occasional misleading tutorial

 to teach myself odd habits, it's good to see how people are using the

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