[clug] Ubuntu Unity -> MC command line

Bryan Kilgallin bryan at netspeed.com.au
Wed Apr 22 06:04:38 MDT 2015

Hey Scott:

> mlocate mc.desktop
> /usr/share/applications/mc.desktop
> grep 'Exec\|Terminal' /usr/share/applications/mc.desktop
> Exec=mc
> Terminal=true

   I replicated that in a terminal window.

> Compare elinks.desktop to mc.desktop for evidence to support that suspicion.

The end of the elinks.desktop content says this.
{Exec=/usr/bin/elinks %u

Whereas the end of the mc.desktop content says this.
# vi: encoding=utf-8}

> you 'could' then edit that file with "nano test.file" (which you could also just type in the mc cli, or simply select it (if you've previously created it with the touch command) in mc and press F4 to edit it.

Under the Midnight Commander window, but above the command buttons, are 
two lines. The upper of those lists hints.

Beneath that is a blank line. When I had tried say alt-F1, characters 
had been displayed there (in this example, "1;3P"). But I otherwise do 
not know what to use this line for!


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