[clug] mc -> Learning Midnight Commander

Bryan Kilgallin bryan at netspeed.com.au
Mon Apr 20 07:45:37 MDT 2015

Thanks, Scott:

> I've never experienced this "list of available editors".

Nor have I, since first use of Midnight Commander (mc)!

> Are you actually using MCs editor or the system defaults (alternatives)?

I now have the (mc) internal editor set.

> man update-alternatives?

Wow, that looked complicated!

> man mc (see the section on Keys).

This command fixed a problem of test snippets remaining across the screen.

{C-l    repaint all the information in the Midnight Commander.}

> You can easily (after 10 minutes study of the macro language) edit those options and add additional functionality if you want.

I need to spend time in your recommended tutorial.


> e.g. you use MC for archiving backups, enter a directory and choose F2, amongst the options is to create a compressed archive of the current directory (with the archive created outside it).

I saw that compression was available, but haven't tried that yet.

> #!/bin/bash

I gather that the shebang indicates program code.

> edit /etc/mc/mc.menu and add a new entry to the archive choices for F2
> (you'll have to increment the existing index numbers above 5
> accordingly) to add the following code:-

You are far more familiar with commandline scripting!


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