[clug] More in the list of things that someone should have told me long ago.

Craig Small csmall at enc.com.au
Fri Nov 28 21:18:33 MST 2014

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 10:00:15PM +1100, Bryan Kilgallin wrote:
> >Thanks Andrew (but wtf is -g ?)
-g means guess the lexer.
The interesting thing is that for Debian at least this is the default
and the man page doesn't specify it. It's silently ignored.

--help line:
Usage: /usr/bin/pygmentize [-l <lexer> | -g] [-F <filter>[:<options>]] [-f <formatter>]

man page:
       pygmentize      [-l <lexer>] [-F <filter>[:<options>]] [-f <formatter>]

I have view aliased to vim so generally wouldn't need something like
this but I definitely can see how this would be cool as a fancy cat
replacement or alternative.
Craig Small (@smallsees)   http://enc.com.au/       csmall at : enc.com.au
Debian GNU/Linux           http://www.debian.org/   csmall at : debian.org
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