[clug] ICT in Schools a partnership program (ICTiS)

Joel.Cowey at csiro.au Joel.Cowey at csiro.au
Thu May 22 17:12:59 MDT 2014

The program is up and running.  So if you are interested in helping out a teacher or students go and register.
Last night there were a few questions/comments:
1)What sort of things do teachers want?
That is a very open question.  I can give you some examples:  Support for a code club; help extending some enthusiastic students with a project; working on a competition entry for Young ICT Explorers (this can be absolutely anything) http://www.youngictexplorers.net.au/; building stuff with Lego Mindstorms.
2)What should I put in my registration?
Put what you are interested in, what age group you are most comfortable with and how much time you can put into it.  Remember an awful lot of businesses give time off to do community engagement activities like this, e.g. IBM, ANU, NICTA and government departments.
3)I don't really have any ideas of what I would do.
That doesn't matter.  Just say you are willing to help in ICT in general.  Believe me there are teachers who just want any help you can give.
4)other stuff ... we have class sets of Intel Galileo boards to go to partnerships Do you have any ideas for a project that could go across several schools?  Would you like to help a teacher at a regional or remote school, this is a national program.

The website for information and registering is http://www.scientistsinschools.edu.au/ict/index.htm

If you have any other questions give me a call or email me

Joel Cowey
ICT Partnerships and Projects Coordinator | Scientists and Mathematicians in Schools
E joel.cowey at csiro.au T +61 2 6276 6046 M 0400 607042 

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