[clug] Firefox default profiles directory.

Brett Worth brett.worth at gmail.com
Wed Oct 23 23:28:18 MDT 2013

On 24/10/13 16:04, Randall Crook wrote:
> Hi,
> I am hoping someone may know the answer to this one.. I am looking to
> run two different versions of firefox on the one macchine and I dont
> want the one version messing with the others profiles.
> I want to know if there is a file somewhere in the firefox install where
> I can cange the default profiles location from ~/.mozilla/firefox to
> something like ~/.mozilla/firefox24 or there abouts...
> Any sugestions would be welcome.

One pretty clunky way to do it would be to mess with the HOME variable in a wrapper:

$ mkdir /tmp/home
$ HOME=/tmp/home firefox


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