[clug] command to reverse 'xxd -b'??

John Mills johnmi at effect.net.au
Wed Nov 6 01:45:54 MST 2013

On Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 04:38:16PM +1100, steve jenkin wrote:
> John,
> Someone wrote me reminding that Paul Wayper did a CLUG talk on Crypto or
> RNG's or something related not that long ago... Link & comments anyone?
> Don't want to reinvent the wheel :(
> There's 'random.org' & CPAN module:
> <http://search.cpan.org/~gwilliams/Math-RandomOrg-0.04/lib/Math/RandomOrg.pm>
> And another Quantum source: http://random.irb.hr
> <http://search.cpan.org/~egor/Random-Quantum-0.04/lib/Random/Quantum.pm>
> And what looks nice, with 3 sources to choose from, including
> "qrng.anu.edu.au"
> <http://search.cpan.org/~dcantrell/Net-Random-2.3/lib/Net/Random.pm>
> Caveat: I haven't used any of those PERL modules.
> For my testing, I just pulled a few kB from random.org [you get a free
> 1Mbit allowance based on IP Nr, IIRC and a daily 'top up'...]

Thanks, Steve.
I will look at those.

1MBit? - guess I can't use it as my white noise generator then :-)

I realised of course the input and output of my test script could be verified 
by inspection.

I changed your shell script to printf("%c", n) to compare it with mine, but 
the way you had it, converting back to binary numerals ("10101101...") makes 
testing easier.

John Mills

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