[clug] command to reverse 'xxd -b'??

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic ivan.miljenovic at gmail.com
Mon Nov 4 15:21:46 MST 2013

On 4 November 2013 22:12, Carlo Hamalainen <carlo at carlo-hamalainen.net> wrote:
> On 04/11/13 06:51, Ian Munsie wrote:
>> Of course, I would do the whole thing in Python, but then I'm strange
>> like that :-p
> I take your strange and raise you a Haskell ;-)

Except, of course, you'd actually use Bytestrings rather than [Word8] ;-)

> https://gist.github.com/carlohamalainen/7300879
> -- Extract the 2-bit pairs from a word.
> pairs :: Word8 -> [Word8]
> pairs x = reverse [3 .&. shiftR x (2*i) | i <- [0..3]]
> -- Corrector keeps the first bit of each bit pair
> -- that is not 0b00 or 0b11.
> correctPair 1 = [0]
> correctPair 2 = [1]
> correctPair _ = []
> -- Attempt to assemble a byte from 8 bits.
> assembleByte :: [Word8] -> Maybe Word8
> assembleByte bits = if length bits == 8
>                         then Just $ foldl (.|.) 0 [shiftL x n | (x, n)
> <- zip (take 8 bits) [7,6..0]]
>                         else Nothing
> -- Assemble as many bytes as possible from a list of bits.
> assembleBytes :: [Word8] -> [Word8]
> assembleBytes bits = mapMaybe assembleByte (chunksOf 8 bits)
> -- Remove bias in a sequence of words.
> extractor :: [Word8] -> [Word8]
> extractor = assembleBytes . concatMap correctPair . concatMap pairs
> main = do
>     c <- BSL.getContents
>     BSL.putStr $ BSL.pack $ extractor $ runGet listOfWord8 c
>> I've used generators ("yield" keyword) below to avoid reading the
>> entire input at any stage, so you can run this over input that never
>> ends like /dev/urandom (something in your shell pipeline is blocking
>> that possibility).
> Since Haskell is a lazily evaluated language, you can imagine that the
> code that I wrote has implicit 'yield' statements everywhere. This means
> that you can compose the extractor function with other things, and apply
> it to an infinite data structure (similar to /dev/urandom):
> Define an infinite list of 'a' in Word8 format:
> (have loaded my program already)
> *Main BS> import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS (c2w, w2c)
> *Main BS> let infinity = repeat (BS.c2w 'a') :: [Word8] -- infinite list
> of 'a'
> Grab the first 5 elements from the infinite list:
> *Main BS> take 5 infinity
> [97,97,97,97,97]
> Take the first 5 result of extractor *directly* applied to the infinite
> list:
> *Main BS> take 5 (extractor infinity)
> [73,36,146,73,36]
> Compose "chunksOf 2" (takes a list and gives you its elements as lists
> of length 2, e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4] -> [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) with the extractor
> function, apply that to the infinite list, and then take the first 5
> results of that:
> *Main BS> take 5 ((chunksOf 2 . extractor) infinity)
> [[73,36],[146,73],[36,146],[73,36],[146,73]]
> This is similar to Unix shell pipes which act in a lazy manner, and this
> lets you join together arbitrary sequences of commands (grep, sed, awk,
> etc) for fun and profit.
> For those who are interested, here's a paper about gluing programs
> together using functional composition and lazy evaluation:
> http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/dat/miranda/whyfp90.pdf
> It's taken me a while to have this sink in; hat tip to Leighton B for
> telling me about it a few months ago. I've spent a long time writing
> C/Python/Fortran code with explicit loops and yield-type interfaces and
> it ended up feeling like the only way to do things. Not so :-)
> --
> Carlo Hamalainen
> http://carlo-hamalainen.net
> --
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Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Ivan.Miljenovic at gmail.com

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