[clug] Hardware Assisted RAID (RAID through BIOS/Chipset RAID)

Paul Wayper paulway at mabula.net
Wed Oct 10 01:51:57 MDT 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 10/10/2012 02:42 PM, David Pisk wrote:
> I am in the process of setting up a business. I know that RAID can be 
> configured through the chipset (it seems to be referred to as chipset
> RAID, BIOS RAID, or hardware assisted RAID) or through the operating
> system (I'm using Debian). I have outsourced the building of the web
> design and all aspects of its integration. The contractors can set up
> operating system RAID, but can't remotely set up BIOS RAID. I have done
> some research, and it appears that BIOS RAID is superior to operating
> system RAID.

I'd definitely agree with Andrew and Stephen's comments - BIOS RAID is hard
to recover if you've got problems, and it's almost definitely[1] not faster
than in-kernel software RAID.

I'd also add that with software RAID you can check on it and manipulate it
at any time using standard operating system commands.  cat /proc/mdstat is
easy to do.  Having to install some proprietary BIOS tool to check on your
hardware RAID is a pain, and impossible if (as is almost always the case)
they only supply Windows drivers for it and you're running Linux.

I've used software RAID on several systems I've built and I find it much
easier to set up and configure than any proprietary BIOS tool.

Hope this helps,

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