[clug] Howto change /Title in PDFs?

Scott Ferguson scott.ferguson.clug at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 00:04:11 MDT 2012

Not solved - but working. Still think there must be a way to set the PDF
title in ImageMagick

On 15/08/12 14:48, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On 15/08/12 13:51, Alex Satrapa wrote:
>> On 15/08/2012, at 13:05 , Scott Ferguson
>> <scott.ferguson.clug at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Any suggestions for simple methods to change/create the Title for
>>> PDFs?
>>> The Title I wish to apply to the PDFs is the same as the PDF
>>> file-name minus the .pdf extension, `date "+%H%M_%d-%m-%Y"`
>>> scanbuttond (get button push) > scanimage (GRAY 8-bit) >
>>> imagemagick (convert to jpg) > imagemagick (convert to small pdf)
> 1. scan to Gray scale image (PBM) as /tmp/scanimage
> 2. "convert" /tmp/scanimage (PBM) to /tmp/scanimage.jpg (lazy way to
> small PDF)
> 3. "convert" /tmp/scanimage.jpg to
> ~/Documents/Pictures/Scanned/$TIMESTAMP.pdf
> 4. ? (pipe through titling process, and remove scanner lock file)
> 5. email ~/Documents/Pictures/Scanned/$TIMESTAMP.pdf
> 6. remove tmp files, rinse and repeat.

Until I can figure out how to fully exploit ImageMagick I'm just using:-
sed -ib 's|/tmp/scanimage.pdf|'${TIMESTAMP}'|' $TMPFILE.pdf

Seems ghostscript could be used to set the title, but that would mean
installing more packages when imagemagick is already needed for other
image processing work.

Kind regards

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