[clug] Juniors in Canberra - where to get experience?

Daniel Rose drose at dtlm.homelinux.net
Sat Jun 25 20:01:49 MDT 2011

On 26/06/11 11:53, Francis Whittle wrote:
> So these specific positions advertised around are all great and that,
> but there seems to me to be a massive gap at more or less the beginning
> of the field if you don't have commercial experience already.  So if you
> want to gain the specific experience, you have some hard to demonstrate
> (in a resume) Linux skills, however any skills you had with MS systems
> were, say, obsoleted with the demise of Windows NT4, where can you go in
> Canberra?
> Am I missing something obvious?  Is the field just that barren?
It's not for everyone but you can get some slight headway doing linux/MS
servers for small business, if you're good with people.

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