[clug] Tweet by @sherro58 FAS

Robert Edwards bob at cs.anu.edu.au
Thu Jan 20 23:34:39 MST 2011

On 21/01/11 16:39, Jim Croft wrote:
> A tweet from John Sherridan, FAS AGIMO:
> http://au.linkedin.com/pub/john-sheridan/4/a35/899
> "You asked for it - #AGIMO seeks comments for future Common OE
> versions http://bit.ly/gcNfZY #gov2au #OOXML"
> http://twitter.com/sherro58/status/28310468300906497
> Seems like there might be some wriggle room?
> Jim

So, according to John Sheridan's helpful table published at:
the only products that can _write_ ECMA-376 1st Edition are:
M$ Office 2007 SP2 and SoftMaker Office 2010. And, the only
products that can _write_ ISO/IEC 29500 Transitional is M$ Office
2010 (not clear if M$ Wordpad 6.1 can or not).

His list of other products simply demonstrates that everything
can read and write ODF. So why was ECMA-376 chosen? Not sure why
it is relevant that all these other products can read/import
ECMA-376? What's the point if you can't write the format back out?


Bob Edwards (not in a _real_ Govt. agency).

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