[clug] February CLUG Programmers' Special Interest Group meeting

Paul Wayper paulway at mabula.net
Mon Feb 7 15:00:02 MST 2011

	CLUG Programmers' Special Interest Group Meeting - 10th February 2011

Date:		10th February 2011 (Second Thursday of the month)

Time:		19:00 - 21:00 (or when it finishes)

Speaker:	James Iseppi

		Zookeepr is the long-standing project that runs the
		website for the Linux Conference Australia. It does more
		than just take your bookings, though - it handles the
		whole process of talk proposals - from the initial
		submission through review, voting, scheduling and onto
		the conference programme. It handles authenticating
		delegates to other systems (e.g. wikis), it provides all
		the details on your conference badge, and more.Zookeepr
		has the long-term goal of fulfilling the technical needs
		of most conferences.  
		James Iseppi has worked on Zookeepr since the start of
		2008 and has contributed substantially to it every
		year.In this talk he will give an overview of how it
		works, how LCAs since 2008 have used it, and what tasks
		new programmers could work on to get into hacking on it.

Venue:		Room N101
		Computer Science and Information Technology Building
		North Road
		The Australian National University

		See http://clug.org.au/ for more directions and a map

Food/drink:	Pizza and soft drink/juice. Come hungry, and bring 
		about $6 to cover the cost of your share if you 
		want some.

If you would like to give a talk at a future meeting, please email me.

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