[clug] IPv6 for home

Peter VK1PE vk1pe.peter at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 07:00:47 MST 2011

Oh, Paul,

The Working Families of Lalor in Victoria (JULIA GILLARD MP) and 
Victoria as a whole (per Senator Stephen Conroy, for Victoria; 
electorate office in the Working Class area of Newport, VIC) applaud 
your analysis of the workings of the Internets.

Please continue youse efforts to explicate the ip6 thing in the way 
youse have. I'll get my people to contact you sometime in late December 
2012, the next time there is an opening in the online diary. (See, we 
know about the internets! Are you in Gungarline? The NBN is rolling out 
there every day, now.)

(former elector of Lalor, when our Member was Barry Jones MP)

On 30/12/11 13:39, Paul Wayper wrote:

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