[clug] An idea

Alex (Maxious) Sadleir maxious at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 21:49:46 MDT 2011

On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Angus Gratton <gus at projectgus.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-08-17 at 11:21 +1000, jm wrote:
> >Last time I looked into it the UK govt had defined and was using
> >TransXChange (http://www.dft.gov.uk/transxchange/)
> > *snip*
> > I don't know anything about what would have to be done on
> > their end to make such a thing possible.
> Google also have their own XML-based transit specification, GTFS, which
> appears to be similar although somewhat more limited. You can convert
> TransXChange->GTFS, don't know if a tool exists for the other way.
> I mention this because Google Australia announced that ACTION would be
> integrating with Google Transit, to launch "late in June 2009".[1] The
> integration process entails providing Google with a GTFS formatted data
> feed.
> So, it would seem, whatever needs to be done at ACTION's end has so far
> taken over two years longer than someone first expected...
Technologically, there's a one click export from the HASTUS 2008
transport network management software they use. Politically, the data
in that system might not be of very good quality (embarrassing) and
there was meant to be a project to clean it up running in the first
half of this year. Again, another June has come and gone and another
deadline missed (although we're told it's weeks not months away).

Of course, someone could just make their own GTFS by hand from
published timetables and OpenStreetMap data ;)
(user friendly version @ http://bus.lambdacomplex.org
precompiled version at

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