[clug] March CLUG Programmers' Special Interest Group meeting

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic ivan.miljenovic at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 05:22:50 MST 2010

Paul Wayper <paulway at mabula.net> writes:
> Currently there are no talks scheduled. Would anyone like to
> volunteer?

I know it's a bit late notice, but if there's no-one else wanting to
talk I could possibly give a version of the talk I did at PEPM
(http://www.program-transformation.org/PEPM10/) in Madrid in January.
I've copied the abstract below, and a reprint of the actual paper is
available at
http://ivanmiljenovic.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/sourcegraph_pepm10_reprint.pdf .

The SourceGraph Program.

Abstract: As software has increased in size and complexity, a range of
tools has been developed to assist programmers in analysing the
structure of their code. One of the key concepts used for such analysis
is the concept of a call graph, which is used to represent which
entities in a code base call other entities. However, most tools which
use call graphs are limited to either visualisation for documentation
purposes (such as Doxygen) or for dynamic analysis to find areas to
optimise in the software using profiling tools such as
gprof. SourceGraph is a new tool which takes a different approach to
software analysis using call graphs, for projects written in Haskell. It
creates a static call graph directly from the source code and then uses
it to perform static analysis using graph-theoretic techniques with the
aim of helping the programmer understand how the different parts of
their program interact with each other. Whilst still a work in progress,
it can already be used to find possible problems in the code base such
as unreachable areas and cycles or cliques in the function calls as well
as other useful information. SourceGraph thus provides programmers not
only with various ways of visualising their software, but helps them to
understand what their code is doing and how to improve it.

Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
Ivan.Miljenovic at gmail.com

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