[clug] KDE/Kate, syntax-highlighting, Eclipse and language/build support

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Tue Aug 24 17:46:12 MDT 2010

steve jenkin <sjenkin at canb.auug.org.au> writes:

> After hearing Tridge talk about 'Waf', I'm a bit more interested in the
> "build problem" (how do you build/test 3 different architectures (2*x86+ARM)
> from a single source tree? Extra points for completeness, reliably and
> speed.)

Last time I had to do that we had a set of continuous build machines with an
in-house solution to detect changes, run the build and test suite, and report

(...or write in a portable language, targeting an interpreter or the JVM or
 something like that. ;)

> And the pointy bit of that [for some of us :)] is a good editor and
> development environment.

FWIW, my experience is that this is essentially irrelevant to the process of
testing and building on different platforms: how you get the changes in
doesn't alter how you test them, and vice-versa.

> I was wondering what people used. [I'm thinking 'vi'+ make is dating me]

Hah.  So does a taste for Emacs for me, in the same regard.


> I've read occasionally about the Eclipse environment, and have this fuzzy
> thought it attempts to be the Universal (Extensible) IDE.  Add your language
> if you want :-)

...and as long as you don't mind writing Java to do it, and the somewhat
baroque internals.  I really can't imagine why people who are happy to write
extensions for Eclipse manage to complain about the complexity of extending
Emacs or vim. ;)

> Any comments, hints, suggestions, warnings or anything?

Well, I would encourage you to try Emacs if you are looking for an IDE: while
it has a steeper learning curve than some of the more modern tools, thirty
years of history (give or take) means that a whole bunch of the rough edges
around extension have been worn off by this point.


✣ Daniel Pittman            ✉ daniel at rimspace.net            ☎ +61 401 155 707
               ♽ made with 100 percent post-consumer electrons

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