[clug] Job Opportunity - Unix Systems Administrator (Solaris)

Steven Hanley sjh at svana.org
Mon Sep 28 18:15:00 MDT 2009

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 05:07:47PM -0700, James Ring wrote:
> On another note, the rantiness of this list is really annoying.

I ams iding heavily with James on this, anyone who deals with lots of email
should be used to filtering it pretty automaticllay in the heads, the
delete or save to boring folder should be a pretty automatic reaction to most
traffic on most lists for a lot of people. I personaly find it a lot easier
to ignore stuff that annoys me than to rant about it for days on end.

	See You

Steven Hanley sjh at svana.org http://svana.org/sjh/diary
i had to thumb a ride, got in the first car that pulled over
you can't be picky in the middle of the night, he said
baby, do you like to fool around, baby, do you like to be touched
i said, maybe some other time, fuck you very much
   Every State Line - Imperfectly - Ani

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