[clug] Open Source Software's Dirty Little Secret

Paul Wayper paulway at mabula.net
Fri Sep 11 06:15:19 MDT 2009

On 11/09/09 00:10, Alex Satrapa wrote:
> On 10/09/2009, at 17:19 , Jessica Fryer wrote:
>> Well that's thet textbook answer but are you really looking for more
>> of the
>> exact same?
> Every new person in a project is a new person, not a clone of one that
> is already working on it. So no, they're not looking for more of the
> same: they're looking for more. (emphasis on the full-stop)
> One of the oldest exhortations in open source projects has been: don't
> *talk* about solving problems, just *do* solving problems. Pick a
> project you want to work on, find a feature that *you* want
> fixed/implemented, and go work on it. Some people will treat you
> different because you have male pattern baldness/narrow eyes/brown
> skin/speak with a different accent/boobs/wear paisley/etc: who cares?

Well, except for the paisley wearers.  Those people are freaks!

Ah, finally my sense of humour has kicked in.  That's a good sign.

Have fun,


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