[clug] Glue Language

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Thu Jul 2 04:15:14 GMT 2009

Jason Stokes <glasper9 at yahoo.com.au> writes:
> Daniel Pittman <daniel at rimspace.net> wrote:
> Jason Stokes <glasper9 at yahoo.com.au> writes:
>>> What are you using this language for?  Is there a reason why you prefer
>>> scheme with non-standard syntax to python or lua or another commonly
>>> embedded language?
>>Well, that amuses me.  You do know that the "non-standard syntax" you are
>>referring to there is a Lisp dialect, the origin of which runs back to 1958.
> Thanks Daniel.  Paul was proposing a Scheme variant with curly braces as an
> option instead of the dreaded parentheses.  Hence "Scheme with non-standard
> syntax."

Oh.  Um, let me find a brown paper bag to put over my head: I *completely*
misread your comments.  On rereading, of course, they are perfectly plain and
obvious to me.  Which is ... embarrassing.


> I would still use Python or Lua or a more mainstream language if I possibly
> could.  This is not language trolling.

*nod*  So would I, probably. :)


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