[clug] Twinhan 7045 DVB-T USB Tuner

Adam Baxter voltagex at voltagex.org
Sun Aug 30 03:05:49 MDT 2009

I have here a Twinhan VP7045 DVB tuner. Tridge and I had a quick go at
getting it working at the last CLUG to no avail.

Some poking around revealed it may actually be a 7045A, which uses a
slightly different chipset.

The only info I could find was:

"The code to make it work already is in the DVB-T tree, somebody "just"
needs to glue the TDA10046 frontend to the existing VP7045 backend code"

   - http://www.linuxtv.org/pipermail/linux-dvb/2006-November/014202.html

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