[clug] [Canberra R Users] John Maindonald on useR! / DSC, Mon 24 Aug, 3:30, JD G35

Felix Andrews felix at nfrac.org
Thu Aug 20 23:58:27 MDT 2009

== Canberra R Users Group: http://canrug.togaware.com/ ==

The next Canberra R Users Group meeting will be held on Monday August
24 @ 3:30pm in the Bernhard Neumann Seminar Room (G35) on the ground
floor of the John Dedman Mathematical Sciences Building, Bldg 27

DATE: Monday 24th August
TIME: 3:30pm
LOCATION: Room G35, JD [Building 27], ANU

SPEAKER: John Maindonald
TITLE: Intimations of the Future of R and of R-based Software

The useR! conference is held annually, with the most recent
meeting in 2009 at the Agricultural University in France.
This latest conference was the biggest ever, with more than
470 participants.  Participants were widely drawn, from
research institutions, from academia, from computing, and
from industry.  There was a remarkable sense of enthusiasm
and excitement.

Strong themes were graphics generally, interactive display
of large datasets, the management and processing of large
datasets, and parallel computing.  Organizations with a
commercial interest in R were much in evidence, with
particular contributions in the handling of large datasets
and parallel computing.

I propose to comment on developments in R graphics,
with briefer comments on other aspects of the meeting.
There will be brief comments, also, on the smaller and
more specialized Developments in Statistical Computing
conference that followed in Copenhagen.


John Maindonald is a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Mathematics &
Its Applications and author of the book "Data Analysis And Graphics
Using R: An Example-Based Approach". He is a co-organiser of the
Canberra R Users Group.

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