[clug] Appropriate language for a task...

David Tulloh david at tulloh.id.au
Mon Sep 1 06:29:36 GMT 2008

You can't get timing guarantees on a modern PC without a lot of effort
(have a look at the realtime Linux work).  The PC just isn't designed
for it, garbage collection is a fairly small issue compared to the

That said, a millisecond is a large time window to a processor so you
should be able to get away without too much work depending on how
critical the timing accuracy is to your application.


jm wrote:
> You could turn GC off when needed.
> Jeff.
> Jason wrote:
>> Never had to do something with millisecond accuracy though so don't
>> know how well an interpreted language will cope with that, never know
>> when those pesky garbage collectors are going to wake up or so I
>> remember being told many years ago, might be fixed as an issue by now.

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