[clug] Artist Colonies: Why "Coder Colonies?"

Jack Kelly endgame.dos at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 21:32:04 GMT 2008

Paul Wayper wrote:
> Over the last couple of months I've been increasingly interested in 
> having a 'hackfest' or 'coding camp', where coders get together in
> one location and hack on stuff together.  One idea is to all work on
> one project - a 'code crunch' - but another is to just get everyone
> interested in writing code together and see what you can get done.
> The idea of having a bunch of people around that can really
> understand what coolness you've done, and can help you out when you
> get stuck, is very attractive.

It certainly sounds like a fun idea.

> What I'd like to propose is that, for the December Programming SIG 
> meeting, we try this format - that'll be on Thursday 11th December.
> If Bob is amenable, we'll run it at ANU room N101 from 7PM until
> 9:30PM.  Bring along your computers and we'll all get stuck into some
> coding, with a pizza break in the middle.

I'm not going to be around for this one, but I'm interested in future 
meetings in this style.

-- Jack

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