[clug] Artist Colonies: Why "Coder Colonies?"

Jim Croft jim.croft at gmail.com
Sat Nov 8 08:49:54 GMT 2008

> I thought, Why don't we have "Coder Colonies" like this?
> It is just as 'creative'...

I can see it now - "the ACT Geek Ghetto Coder Colony Linux Lair and
Nerd Nursery - alternative internet homespun high fibre innovation
coming soon to an abandonned school near you...  Community crucibles
of computing creativity...  Don't let your suburb miss out..."   ;)


Jim Croft ~ jim.croft at gmail.com ~ +61-2-62509499

"Words, as is well known, are the great foes of reality."
- Joseph Conrad, author (1857-1924)

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