[clug] Command of the Hour

Alex Satrapa grail at goldweb.com.au
Thu Nov 6 05:43:18 GMT 2008

Not strictly a command, but more hacking with ZSH:

> function settitle
> {
>    print -Pn "\e]0;$1\a"
>    return 0
> }
> function twolineprompt
> {
>    # Generate two-line command prompt
>    PS1=`echo "%{\\e[$1m[%n@%m:%~]\\e[0m\n\\e[$2m%}%D{%k:%M} [%?|%!]%# 
> %{\\e[0m%} "`
>    return 0
> }
> # I often like using shortprompt '41;37;1'
> function shortprompt
> {
>    PS1=`echo "%{\\e[\$1m%}%T [%?|%!]%#%{\\e[0m%} "`
>    return 0
> }
> function invshort
> {
>    shortprompt '41;37;1'
>    return 0
> }
> unset LSCOLORS
> case "$TERM" in
>    nsterm | rxvt | xterm | xterm-color)
>       # Use window titlebar to display some information
>       settitle "%n@%m: %~"
>       # Display the new directory when changing directories
>       precmd ()  { settitle "%n@%m: %5(~:%-1~/.../%3~:%~)" }
>       preexec () { settitle "%n@%m :%5(~:%-1~/.../%3~:%~) - $1" }
>       twolineprompt '35' '35'
>       ;;
>    ansi)
>       unfunction precmd
>       unfunction preexec
>       twolineprompt '0;43' '32'
>       ;;
>    *)
>       unfunction precmd
>       unfunction preexec
>       # Generate safe prompt
>       PS1="[%?|%!]-[%n@%m: %~]%# "
>       ;;
> esac

What does this achieve?

If I open up an xterm, it changes the prompt so that I get two lines  
like this:

> [alex at Lancelot:~/Documents/src]
> 16:22 [0|2367]%

but also changes the xterm title to become:

> alex at Lancelot: ~/Documents/src

Then if I run a command such as "vi ~/.zshrc" the title becomes:

> alex at Lancelot:~/Documents/src - vi ~/.zshrc

The nifty thing about this is that in Terminal my "Window" menu will  
contain a list of shells each showing what I was working on at the time.

Thanks to Matthew Hawkins for these tips (10 years ago)!

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