[clug] OT: Congratulations Caroline...

Caroline Le Couteur clecoute at austethical.com.au
Sat Nov 1 08:19:00 GMT 2008

Hi Guys
Yes I am - or maybe was - a clugger and have just been elected the 4th Green MLA.  I just got my logon at the ACT Legislative Assembly and it is a very closed Microsoft shop.  Not even Firefox although the tech guy said he ran it at home.  All the IT comes from Intact and they have to test everything.

I'll see what I can do to open things up.  I'm signing off CLUG on this address and my new one is lecouteur at parliament.act.gov.au.

Caroline Le Couteur
Chief Information Officer
Australian Ethical Investment

Tel: +61 2 6201 1921
Fax: +61 2 6201 1987
Email: clecoute at austethical.com.au

-----Original Message-----
From: linux-bounces+clecoute=austethical.com.au at lists.samba.org [mailto:linux-bounces+clecoute=austethical.com.au at lists.samba.org] On Behalf Of jhock
Sent: Tuesday, 28 October 2008 8:42 AM
To: Ian Bardsley
Cc: linux at lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: [clug] OT: Congratulations Caroline...

Then isn't it time for us to lobby a person in Government, who
understands the LINUX issues, to get LINUX into the Government.  Someone
like ... Caroline?  

I run UBUNTU on my desk top and it is very easy to use.  My five year
old son knows how to use it.  I can't imagine anyone not being able to
use it who currently usees M$ office etc.  When do we let the public
know that LINUX is not for nerds but for the general public?

When will a Government be proactive and use the open source mostly free
software rather than support a money grabbing company?  The ACT
Government has always been leading the others.  Here is their chance to
do something good in the world.  ;--)


On Mon, 2008-10-27 at 16:52 +1100, Ian Bardsley wrote:
> I reckon that would be an astronomical figure which would make the 
> average Tax Payer shudder in disbelief.  What I do know however is that 
> what ever the figure is, it's about 10k times more than it's worth.
> Regards to all
> Fred Pilcher wrote:
> > On a partly-related issue, does anyone know how much Australian 
> > governments spend annually on Microsoft license fees?
> >
> > It's a big ask, I know, since it's undoubtedly "commercial in 
> > confidence", but has anyone every done any back-of-the-envelope 
> > calculations?
> >
> > Fred
> -- 
> *Ian Bardsley*
> Phone: +61 0423 195 927 (mobile only)
> E-mail: ifb777 at tpg.com.au <mailto:ifb777 at tpg.com.au>
> Web: http://ozybard.homeip.net/fridgedoor
> Skype: mumnian.......On Line 8pm – 11pm Aust Eastern Daylight Saving 
> Time (0900 Hrs – 1200 Hrs GMT)
> /<<< [That which you accept is all you can ever expect to receive] >>>/

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