[clug] Audio file formats

Kristy A. Bennett kristy at kristy.id.au
Tue May 20 02:39:41 GMT 2008

Okay, CLUG-speak hasn't changed.  I understood about 56% of what you 
were trying to convey as usual Paul!

Paul Wayper wrote:
> So can you tell us what you're doing this for and what your end user 
> will have
> to play the file back?  The more I understand what you're trying to do 
> the
> better my advice will be :-)
I have had some requests from my business consultancy clients for some 
materials that they can refer back to particularly on a range of topics 
from IT issues, web security (or moreover web insecurity) through to 
strategic HRM & marketing.  At the moment I provide hard copies of 
information to them but there is an obvious demand out there for voice.  
Many discussions have oriented around acquiring further information 
through audio as it doesn't take as long to digest and can go into more 
depth over the same time frame required to read a paper.  Add to that 
the commute, morning walk or gym application and it's past the post.  At 
this point I am looking for the best possible means to provide both, 
what is in effect, a subscribed podcast with weekly releases as well as 
CD's for them to throw in the car.

In addition to that I was inspired by Paul Fenwick's recorded slideshow 
on HiveMinder to do something similar perhaps in the future also.


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