[clug] Surplus books

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Tue Feb 19 06:46:35 GMT 2008

Too many books, too little shelf space.

Oreilly books:
"Practical C++ Programming", Oualline
"Learning Python", Lutz and Ascher
"Python & XML", Jones and Drake
"Python Standard Library", Lundh
"Essential CVS", Vespernum
"Managing projects with make", Oram and Talbott
"Software portability with imake", DuBois
"Programming jabber", Adams

Other books:
"Effective C++", 2nd Ed, Meyers
"USB Design by Example, Hyde
"C++ GUI Programming with Qt3", Blanchette and Summerfield
"Teach yourself Qt Programming in 24 hours", Solin

Will bring to the next clug meeting iff I have a firm assurance that someone 
wants them (you don't have to take them all though). Otherwise, they go into 
the recycling.


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