[clug] Also for Software Freedom Day

Paul Wayper paul.wayper at anu.edu.au
Wed Sep 12 06:09:37 GMT 2007

Mike Carden wrote:
> How about we have a machine at the stand (with a reasonable graphics
> card and a largish screen) running this:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauerbraten_(game)
Looks good Mike, I'll set it up on my games machine (NVidia 7900GS) and
bring that along.  In order to compile it you need SDL_mixer-devel and
SDL_image-devel, but it runs just fine.  Very impressive looking it is!

An update on where we're up to.  I have about 450 CDs being burnt by
various people, and I have another 600 that just arrived in my hands.  I
really need people to burn CDs, and especially if you can print CDs I'd
love to hear from you.  Thank you very much to Rainer Klein, Caroline Le
Couteur, David Symons, Ross Wilson, Chris Smart, Matt Oliver, Jason
Nielsen, and Anthony David for their donations of money, which totalled
$360!  It looks like we'll have nearly 1500 CDs to give away.

We have two tables and power.  I will be bringing:

* Two powerboards and some extension cables.
* A 4-port switch with wifi.
* Duct and masking tape.
* My laptop, my games machine and a screen for it.
* Network cables to connect these to above switch.
* Any CDs that I haven't yet burnt.

It's on at the Old Bus Depot Markets
(http://www.tinymap.net/fBD75IrWWJI) and I'd like those people who have
volunteered to help on the stand to be there by 9:30AM to get things set
up and ready.

Now, for something for people to chew the fat on:  should we offer room
for people to plug their machines in and install, either from the
network or off our CDs?

Have fun,


P.S. Next year I intend to try and get Linux Australia to fund the
professional printing of Open CDs or Ubuntu Live CDs so that I don't
have to do all this running around and burning and printer feeding!

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