[clug] Linux support for Canberra business

Neill Cox Neill.Cox at ingenious.com.au
Wed Oct 17 06:01:36 GMT 2007

I'm the principal of Ingenious Software.  We're a small (Ok, tiny really)
company, offering support for SMEs using any of Linux/Unix, Windows or Mac

We are much smaller than AgileWare or LGS, but reasonably active in the
F/OSS area (I attend LCA at every opportunity, and come to CLUG less often
than I'd like).

Our approach is to use Linux (and particularly Ubuntu) wherever possible,
but do our best to cope with Windows/Mac OS where necessary.

There are also other companies around - CoolChilli, ReceptiveIT and I'm
sure many others.

I'm keen to see more people doing Linux support.  I'm more on the Free
Software end of F/OSS myself and I look forward to the day when Free
Software is a mainstream choice for business.  It's not yet, but the more
people supporting businesses who try and use it the better.


> steve jenkin wrote:
>> Looking Glass Solutions
>> <http://www.lgsolutions.com.au/>
>> Sorry, I don't know the principals nor anything about the companies...
> I know Evan Leybourn from Looking Glass and I can vouch for him being a
> cluey
> fellow who's fairly involved in the software development communities (he
> attended at least 2 of the last 3 OSDCs) and I think he was at LCA this
> year
> too.  I don't know what he can offer for Linux support; but from my
> experiences
> with him I'd suggest he's worth chatting to.
> 	J
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