[clug] Code Search

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Fri Oct 6 00:40:04 GMT 2006

Sorry for the slashdot link, I didn't know about these resources and  
thought others might be interested.

  Google Unveils Code Search


> Google now has a page that supports source code searching. I hope  
> they extend it to be more programming-language aware (e.g., search  
> for identifiers and functions) like the specialist code search  
> sites (Krugle, Koders, and Codease), who probably now have very  
> worried investors. I don't see any option to search for Cobol. I  
> guess there is not a lot of Cobol source available on the Internet,  
> even although there is supposed to be more Cobol source in  
> existence than any other language (perhaps that statement is not  
> true in the noughties)."

Kim Holburn
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