[clug] Re: Test

listmaster at ittoolbox.com listmaster at ittoolbox.com
Wed Sep 14 06:17:19 GMT 2005

Dear ITtoolbox Groups Subscriber,

Your message has NOT been distributed to the ITtoolbox BusinessObjects-L discussion group. Please continue reading for further details and instructions.

On Wednesday, May 26, 2004, ITtoolbox launched nine new discussion topics, each focusing on specific Business Objects products.  There is no longer one ITtoolbox BusinessObjects-L address. As a current group member, you are automatically subscribed to the new topics and can begin to send and receive messages immediately. Instead of addressing messages to BusinessObjects-L at Groups.ITtoolbox.com, you must now send messages to one or more of the appropriate ITtoolbox Business Objects discussion topics below. 

Analytic Applications - BusinessObjects-AnalyticApps-L at Groups.ITtoolbox.com
Connectivity - BusinessObjects-Connectivity-L at Groups.ITtoolbox.com
Data Integration - BusinessObjects-DataIntegration-L at Groups.ITtoolbox.com
Development - BusinessObjects-Dev-L at Groups.ITtoolbox.com
Installations and Upgrades - BusinessObjects-InstallsUpgrades-L at Groups.ITtoolbox.com
Performance Management and Security -BusinessObjects-Performance-L at Groups.ITtoolbox.com
Reporting and Analysis - BusinessObjects-ReportingAnalysis-L at Groups.ITtoolbox.com
General Business Objects Issues - BusinessObjects-Other-L at Groups.ITtoolbox.com

ITtoolbox also hosts the BusinessObjects-Crystal-L discussion group. Unlike the eight discussion topics listed above, you are not automatically subscribed to this group. To begin sending and receiving messages from the ITtoolbox BusinessObjects-Crystal-L discussion group, you can subscribe by visiting http://BI.ITtoolbox.com/groups/groups.asp?v=BUSINESSOBJECTS-CRYSTAL-L.

Please read the FAQs below for more information.

1) Why am I receiving messages from different e-mail addresses?

There is no longer one BusinessObjects-L e-mail address.  Instead, each Business Objects area of discussion has its own e-mail address. You will receive messages from each address corresponding to the new ITtoolbox Business Objects discussion topics.

2) How do I send a message to the new ITtoolbox Business Objects discussion topics?

>From the list above, choose the most relevant topic based on the subject of your message. For example, if your message is relevant to Reporting, it should be addressed to BusinessObjects-ReportingAnalysis-L at Groups.ITtoolbox.com. 

3) What if I want my message to go to more than one topic?

Simply address your message to as many ITtoolbox Business Objects discussion topics as are relevant to the subject of your message. ITtoolbox will make sure each user only gets your message one time, even if they are subscribed to multiple groups.

4) What if I do not want to receive messages from all the ITtoolbox Business Objects discussion topics?

You may, at any point, choose to unsubscribe from specific ITtoolbox Business Objects discussion topics. To unsubscribe, please sign in to your ITtoolbox User ID with your e-mail address at http://My.ITtoolbox.com/My_Groups.asp. If you have never signed in before, you may request a password by visiting http://My.ITtoolbox.com/ForgotPassword.asp. You must individually unsubscribe from each topic.

5) Why did you add individual Business Objects discussion topics? I thought the ITtoolbox BusinessObjects-L discussion group worked just fine.

ITtoolbox received feedback from many group members requesting the opportunity to conduct more specialized discussion about particular Business Objects applications. Since such clear areas exist, we felt they warranted their own discussion topics. The creation of these new topics will improve the overall quality of discussion by enabling you to receive focused, high quality solutions with less turnaround time than ever before. 

6) What if I still have questions?

If you still have questions, please contact Listmaster at ITtoolbox.com.

Thank you for your understanding.


List Administrator
Listmaster at ITtoolbox.com

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