[clug] Andrew Tridgell to talk on May 25

Kim Holburn kim.holburn at anu.edu.au
Wed May 18 05:41:57 GMT 2005

                     Seminar Announcement

             Department of Computer Science, FEIT
              The Australian National University

Date:  Wednesday, 25 May 2005
Time:  4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Venue: Room N101, CSIT Building [108]

Speaker: Dr. Andrew Tridgell

Title:   Musings on Software Engineering

Abstract: The speaker was a keynote speaker at the recent
   Linux.conf.au (the national Linux conference) in Canberra.
   He will repeat this performance and has promised "random
   musings on software engineering techniques, concentrating
   on how the widespread use of some venerable software
   engineering techniques is having a large impact on free
   software development."

   Andrew Tridgell is a free software developer working for the Open
   Source Development Labs from his home in Canberra.

   Tridge is widely known as the inventor of Samba and as a
   key contributor to Linux development.  He has had a long
   association with ANU both as a student (having earned both
   his BSc and his PhD here) and a researcher in operating
   systems for highly parallel machines.

URL: http://cs.anu.edu.au/lib/seminars/seminars05/dept20050525

Seminars homepage:  http://cs.anu.edu.au/seminars/

If you like to give a seminar please contact:
                            seminars-admin [at] cs.anu.edu.au

Kim Holburn
Network Manager,  National ICT Australia Ltd.
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