[clug] [PMX:#] Problem server

Collins, Steve Steve.Collins at industry.gov.au
Fri Aug 20 04:49:18 GMT 2004

Hey, all y'all

I have a small RH9 server (converted desktop) which I'm running a few important things on - CVS, Nagios, Bugzilla.  Recently, it's started acting a little whacko.  It stops responding for no apparent reason, on no fixed schedule.  Today it's needed to be kicked in the guts at frequencies as short as a couple of minutes and as long as several hours.  There's no CPU or memory load, the / and /boot partitions are less than 10 per cent full respectively.

Our main Nagios server, which monitors this box, initially reports the HTTP server as non-responsive and then PING host checks fail.  I strongly suspect it's a hardware issue, but am not sure where to start poking.  The boot and messages logs don't reveal anything I can spot.

Any recommendations?

Stephen Collins
Web Development Section
eBusiness Division
Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources 
Level 12, 20 Allara Street, Canberra City ACT 2600
GPO Box 9839, Canberra ACT 2601

E steve.collins at industry.gov.au
P +61 2 62137193
C +61 410 680722
F +61 2 62136227

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