[clug] Lindows changes name

Alex Satrapa grail at goldweb.com.au
Thu Apr 15 08:02:44 GMT 2004

On 15 Apr 2004, at 11:29, Alan Sanderson wrote:

> A sad, sad day in Linux land has occured. Lindows the small Linux 
> company
> has been forced to change it's name to "Linspire"

I can't understand why they didn't pick "Lintel" (as opposed to 
"Windows", and coincidentally "Wintel"). "Doors" would be a bit boring, 
and Lintel describes what an OS is supposed to do - provide a support 
structure that is actually of use to a person. Windows are pretty to 
look through, but a door lets you get out into the world :)


Windows 98, n.: 32 bit extensions and graphical shell for a 16 bit hack 
on a 8 bit operating system originally written for a 4 bit 
microprocessor, by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of 
competition and has not a bit of respect for its customers.
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