[clug] Help request - updating my gpg key

Felix Karpfen felixk at fwi.net.au
Sun Sep 14 20:27:07 EST 2003

Like many others, after WebOne went West, I have thought it expedient to
find another local ISP.  The transfer succeeded with very minor hiccoughs.

However, I have realised belatedly that the posted info on my Public gpg
key also needs updating.  Since

a) my previous effort (below) is probably less than 100% correct; and
b) I am no longer certain what I did

I thought that one of the CLUG members who are keen on gpg might come to
the rescue and provide the needed hint to get it completely right this
time.  For the record, my Public Key currently reads:

,----[ key.txt ]-
| pub  1024D/72FDF9DF 2000-08-03 Felix Karpfen <felixk at webone.com.au>
| uid                            [revoked] Felix Karpfen <felkarp at pcug.org.au>
| sub  1024g/376E8EB7 2000-08-03

So, do I 

a) "adduid" and
b) "revoke" and/or
c) select obsolete uids and then "deluid"?

I could, of course, just try it and see.  But I worry about damaging a 
functioning setup - and then trying to work out how to repair it.

Felix Karpfen 
Felix Karpfen
felixk at fwi.net.au
Public Key 72FDF9DF (DH/DSA)

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