[clug] Samba. Impresoras Compartida

Rene Soria rene.soria at anu.edu.au
Thu Jul 24 15:53:27 EST 2003

Hi all,

I saw this message and I though that maybe someone here may have an 
answer (I'm not linux expert, just aficionado, OK?), but because it is 
Spanish, it may be left unanswser.

----Original text-------------
Tengo un sistema en Linux RED HAT 5.2, comparto impresoras a través del
samba. Mis clientes son windows ingreso al sistema a través de un emulador.
Tengo instalada una impresora matricial en windows 95, e instalo la
impresora en linux a través de samba como compartida. Ahora quiero hacer lo
mismo con un cliente Windows XP pero no responde el cliente windows XP
-----End Original text---------

I have a system running Linux RED HAT 5.2. I share printers through 
Samba. My clients are running windows. I get into the system through an 

I got a matrix printer installed under wondows 95, and I have installed 
the printer to be shared on linux with samba. Now, I would like to do 
the same with a windows XP client, but there is no response with the 
windows XP client.
----End Transalation--------

I hope it make sense.

Rene Soria

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