apt-get on non-Debian Linicies

Michael James michael.james at csiro.au
Thu Jan 23 11:12:12 EST 2003

Can the "apt" package system be run over rpm?

I have some suggestions that I can duplicate one systems rpm list
 onto another machine using a 3 line script calling apt-get.

To generate the list:

rpm -qa --queryformat '%{name}\n' > pkglist

Then do the following:

for pkg in `cat pkglist`; do
  apt-get install $pkg

Is this a not-so-subtle hint to get Debian, or can I run apt-get on Suse?

Otherwise, given that I have all the RPMs in various directories,
 it wouldn't be that hard to generate a list of desired RPMs,
 search them out and add path info to the actual directory,
 then rpm them in.

Michael James				michael.james at csiro.au
System Administrator			voice:	02 6246 5040
CSIRO Bioinformatics Facility	fax:		02 6246 5166

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