A formatting query

Felix Karpfen felixk at webone.com.au
Fri Feb 7 08:26:28 EST 2003

Matthew Hawkins wrote:
> Felix Karpfen (felixk at webone.com.au) wrote:
> > Is there a <search-and replace routine|vim plugin> that will convert a
> > formatted text file from the Unix to the DOS format?  I have a hazy
> > recollection that one uses NL and the other uses NL/CR.
> :set ff=dos
> :w

The wonderful thing about Linux is that there are always at least six
different ways of strangling the bull.

I tried this one first - because it is well within my current computing
abilities.  It worked like a charm and solved my immediate problem.

Pushing my luck and looking further, the full challenge is to convert a
downloaded .html file to a formatted DOS text file.  At the moment this
is a two-stage operation:

1) w3m -dump file.html > file.txt; and 

2) load file.txt (w3m retains the formatting) into vim and run the above
   routine.  If that can be done easily in one hit, I would be glad to

Meanwhile, I would like to thank all the respondents who answered my
query.  All other replies have been carefully filed and will be explored
in due course.  I might even learn a bit about perl programming by the
time I am through.

Felix Karpfen 
Felix Karpfen
felixk at webone.com.au
Public Key 72FDF9DF (DH/DSA)

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