Emacs link breaking?

Martin Schwenke martin at meltin.net
Wed Oct 30 09:15:44 EST 2002

Hi Mikal,

>>>>> "Mikal" == Michael Still <mikal at stillhq.com> writes:

    Mikal> I have a large source tree. I would like to be able to have
    Mikal> a second copy of that source tree where the second copy is
    Mikal> composed of hard links. When I edit one of these links, I
    Mikal> would like emacs 21 to break the link and create a new file
    Mikal> (possibly by just renaming the link file to the backup
    Mikal> name).

(setq make-backup-files             nil
      file-precious-flag            t
      find-file-existing-other-name nil)

I don't use the backup files.  For anything important, I hit C-xvi to
check it into RCS before I start editing (no, I don't know how to use
RCS :-).  The backup files are junky clutter.  The important variable
here is `file-precious-flag', although I can't remember why...  the
documentation will tell you...  :-)

    Mikal> I have seen this done, but I can't seem to find the config
    Mikal> option in the emacs config tool. Google implies it is the
    Mikal> default, which doesn't match my testing of what RedHat
    Mikal> shipped me...

You're getting the default behaviour.  Red Hat haven't broken
anything (in Emacs, related to this :-)...

peace & happiness,

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