MS Access / PostgreSQL

Terence Kearns tkearns at
Mon Oct 14 11:23:32 EST 2002

If there is still a windows box to run access, then you could use it via 
ODBC - although this assumes you have a client interface. There are many 
different GUI clients for postgresql so I'll leave that up to you to do 
a search.

As mentioned earlier, you can convert the mdb file to postgres (Access 
supports forreign keys and mysql does not, I recomend postgres). I have 
an mdb file which contains functionality for exporting PG compatible SQL 
dumps. I've had mixed success with it but perhaps there is a newer 
version now.

I think this might be the site. It talks about Access97 though :-/

other handy info about linking tabled between Access/PostgreSQL

James McNeill wrote:

> hi all.
> I was discussing with someone recently about moving their small office 
> over to Linux. The one thing that stands in the way is a database they 
> use written in MS Access. Short of rewriting the whole thing, is there 
> any way for them to get at this database from Linux?
> has anyone had any luck running access runtime under Wine or another emu?
> Thanks heaps,
> -James

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