Playing audio CDs under Redhat 7.3

Grant Morphett grant at
Mon Oct 7 21:01:56 EST 2002

Have you connected that little 4 wire cable that came with your CDROM Drive from
your CDROM to your sound card?  You will need to do this in order to hear the


On 07 Oct 2002 20:02:00 +1000 Rob Bolin scribbled:

>I'm stumped. I want to listen to audio CDs (and use grip to make my own
>"jukebox" of favourite tunes) but I can't get a note out of the thing!
>I've tried to RTFM, or at least search the 'net for a solution, except
>that everything I've come across either suggests connecting the CD to
>the sound card directly (that ain't gonna happen!) or the page says a
>solution is possible without actually saying what the solution is...
>The DVDrom works perfectly reading and writing data to and from CDs, and
>the audio system works (plays wavs and mp3s without problem). When I
>insert an audio CD, the system obviously recognises it, and starts gtcd.
>I can also access the CD through XMMS. But in both cases, the CD
>supposedly starts playing however there is nothing coming from the
>Does someone out there have a clue for the obviously clueless?

Grant Morphett
GMORPH CONSULTANTS Pty Ltd - Solutions Outside the Square
tel : +61 (0) 421 325348
fax : +1 309 4164790

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