More news of Open Source from ACM

Steve Jenkin sjenkin at
Thu Oct 3 19:52:02 EST 2002

Here are some more snippets from the ACM newsletter that relate to Open
What's interesting is the number of them is increasing.

PLEASE tell me if these are interesting/useful to any of you, I don't
want to be Spamming this list ;-)  [If I don't hear from anyone, I'll
STOP sending these notes]

"What's New on the Open Source Front?"
(points to: )

Reports on RPM, GTK+, and Hewlett-Packard's Open Source SSI
AND that "OpenOffice has proven very popular among schools"

"Honeymoon Over for Linux Users"
(points to:

Slapper worm.... Virus writers now looking at Linux [The price of
Success :-)]

"Linux Ready for Prime Time?"
(points to: )
"Linux sneakes in through the back door;"
"demonstrates that companies are incapable of selling Linux to
executives directly"
Talks about need for Linux Standards base so that (commercial?) Apps run
on all distros.

Under 'misinformation' comes:
Accenture's James Hall says [like he'd know & isn't biased] 
"many IT consultants are still reluctant to embrace Linux because of
high maintenance and upgrade costs that offset the low deployment costs"

AND importantly
"IDC estimated that Linux owns a mere 2 percent of the corporate desktop
market, but... the NOS [server] market share has leapt from 7 percent to
about 30 percent over the last five years"

==> That's TWO doublings in 5 years - a 2.5 year doubling time [Does
this sound right??]
==> Projecting ahead Linux could/should achieve 80% of the 'NOS'
[Server] market in JUST 4 years.  This ignores effects of MAC OS/X and
Microsoft competing by _giving away_ it software OR causing legal
problems [if _only_ they could figure out who to sue :-)]

Steve Jenkin, Unix Sys Admin
PO Box 48, Kippax, ACT 2615
0412 786 915

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