kernel compile files

Damien Elmes clug at
Thu Nov 14 18:02:13 EST 2002

"Jeremy" <jepri at> writes:

>>cd ~/linux && fakeroot make-kpkg kernel-image
>>sudo dpkg -i ../kernel-image-2.4.x*.deb
> Thanks, but it keeps running 'make oldconfig' even though I already provided
> a configuration file.  Do you know how to force it to use the current .config,
> or how to do this without making debs?

Why not just make a hack to use your config to make menuconfig or whatever, so
that oldconfig works, and then extra the contents of the debian package when
it's done. Anything else is going to require you to get down and dirty with
the workings of make-kpkg, or roll your own.


Damien Elmes

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