New clug website?

Michael Still mikal at
Wed Jun 19 13:33:53 EST 2002

On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Michael Still wrote:

> Another thing I would like to improve is the list of open source projects
> being undertaken by CLUG "members". So, if you've got a project you like
> listed, please let me know.

Well, based on the massive feedback of two, and my general desire to not
have to do any study for my OpenGL exam, I have whipped up a draft of a
possible new site, which can be found at

Do people have comments? The list of projects is by no means complete, but
there are enough there for people to get a feel for what I have in mind*.


* For those who are interested, the project thingie is actually a set of
Mozilla bookmarks which are automagically converted to the html thingie
that you see...


Michael Still (mikal at     UMT+10hrs

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