Wireless bridging

Michael Still mikal at stillhq.com
Sat Jul 20 16:01:12 EST 2002

On Sat, 20 Jul 2002, Jeremy wrote:

> Has anyone tried bridging a wireless and  wired network?  I've just
> spent the whole night trying and it seems to be impossible.  The
> highlight was the point where I had the bridge interface responding to
> pings from both sides, but still not bridging.

Yeah, I talked about it at last CLUG meeting (or so). The way I got it
working is documented at:


This site might go away for a little while this week as the colo
arrangements change...

Note that this isn't how I do it any more. This is because it mean
unencrypted traffic going out on my driveway. The way I do it now is:

 - wireless machines are in their own IP range with own DHCP server
 - wireless machines can all ssh to firewall (and that is all)
 - I use a ppp over ssh vpn for the wireless machines when I want to
   get to the big bad internet or wired network. Yay crypto.

Therefore there is no free wireless internet at my house. Sorry folks.



Michael Still (mikal at stillhq.com)     UMT+10hrs

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