Grouping perl foreach values

Damien Elmes clug at
Tue Jul 9 16:43:41 EST 2002

Alex Satrapa <grail at> writes:

>  From what I've seen of Ruby, it's a great language. However, it doesn't yet
>  have the support of something as big or as available as CPAN. In Perl, the
>  chances are that if you want to do something, then someone else has already
>  written a CPAN module that does that.

Is that a blanket choice for choosing a language, though? If python or ruby
can do some particular task you need, and have the required extension modules
already, why use something else just because it's more accepted? The only way
the new extension modules get written is if people don't continue to use
existing standards exclusively.

> Ruby is nice, but it's not mature.  Perl is the opposite.

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