Parliment House Webcasting - limited access through proprietary formats

Alex Satrapa grail at
Wed Feb 20 22:04:19 EST 2002

At 11:22  19/02/02 +1100, Anthony David wrote:
>Good luck. I pointed nearly two years ago. All I got was a dismissive
>remark and mumblings about it being easier and a "standard". Your
>approach looks like a better one. I think it was the same person though...

I hate it when people confuse "standard" with "specification" or "common".

Windows Media Player format is a "specification".  AFAIK, it's a closed 
specification, which hardly lends it to being a "standard".

Windows Media Player format is also "common".  Windows Media Player format 
is also "common".  No - I'm not repeating myself, just using sense 3 and 6 
from Webster's Revised and Unabridged Dictionary (1913).

>BTW, neither RealPlayer nor QTime (only available on MacOS and Win)
>qualify as Free Software.

But at least QuickTime is available on Mac OS too.  Sure, that's increasing 
market penetration from 95% to 98%, but it means you're not telling your 
constituents that the Australian national OS is Windows.

It's a bit much to hope for an "open source" or "free software" streaming 
protocol since there aren't really that many people who use Linux who also 
want to view streaming video.

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