init has a socket?

Simon Burton simonb at
Fri Apr 26 22:10:47 EST 2002

here is the tail of "netstat -p",
on my RH7.2 boxen.
Why does init have a stream open?
i thought i had been hacked until
i re-installed and found same...

unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    1097   923/xfs 

unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    1055   871/crond 

unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    1006   822/xinetd 

unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    932    733/apmd 

unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    813    620/rpc.statd 

unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    768    572/klogd 

unix  2      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     456    1/init [3] 

i guess it doesn't matter;
one of those curious things that i
will learn one day :)

simon b

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